Hiya! I know I have already spoken about the Writer’s Workshop, but
please bear with me and permit me to expand on what I said. Our lecturer
explained this strategy so comprehensively that I felt compelled to reflect on
it once more.
Do you remember a scenario when you thought you understood a concept
until someone more knowledgeable than you came along and explained it even more
comprehensibly, causing you to have an ‘aha’ moment? That is how I felt when my
classmates and I were informed that the Writing Workshop can be seen as a
collaborative community of writers using conferencing and group sharing.
This caused me to think about myself and my classmates. We are a
community of writers in LIT 102: Promoting Writing in Primary Grades. These two
aspects of the writing workshop can coincide concerning writing and
conferencing time. For example, my ‘aha’ moment was when I vividly recall in
class when Lisia and I shared our narrative writing pieces and got feedback
from each other.
Additionally, I have a deeper insight into how one conducts minilessons
during the teaching time of the Writing Workshop. I further understand that the
minilesson is primarily based on the essential concept that the students will
need to help them write their composition pieces, which can also be based on
what was done in the previous Writer’s Workshop.